How to Rehab a Broken Foot - KneeRover

How to Rehab a Broken Foot

There are five long, slim bones known as metatarsals that make up the foot.  If you’ve broken your foot, chances are that one of these bones has received an acute fracture. Such fractures are especially common if you engage in high impact activities, such as long distance running, dancing or certain sports such as football and basketball.

Regardless of the cause, if you’ve received this unfortunate diagnosis, then it’s likely you’ll be ordered by the doctor to keep weight off your injured foot for at least 2-6 weeks. While a KneeRover will certainly make the recovery process easier, there are a few steps you can take to boost your chances of a quick recovery.

Elevate the Foot

By keeping the foot above the body, you reduce inflammation and pain in the area. When you’re walking the KneeRover will help to keep your foot in good position. When lying down or sitting keep your foot propped up; if necessary support it with a few pillows to achieve necessary elevation.

Range of Motion Exercises

It’s common for the ankle, toes and foot to become stiff and sore with disuse following a foot injury, especially if you’re in a cast or boot. You can avoid this side effect by using your big toe to draw clockwise and counter clockwise circles in the air, that activate all three points of the body. Make sure you progress these movements slowly, limiting the range when feel pain. Perform these exercises several times a day and you’ll be ready to get back to regular exercises far sooner.

Stretch the Calves

Another area prone to tightness after long periods of immobilization is the calf muscle. By regularly stretching this region you can stay loose and limber. From a seated position, place your injured foot on a stable elevated surface. Wrap a towel under the ball of the foot, and grab each loose end in one hand. Now, push the foot forward slowly until you feel a stretch in the calf, and hold for 20 to 30 seconds.  Once again, stop if you feel any pain in the foot -- the idea is to work stiff muscles, not cause further damage.