3 Exercises You Can Perform Right From your KneeRover - KneeRover

3 Exercises You Can Perform Right From your KneeRover

Lower body disabilities and injuries can be extremely frustrating to deal with, especially if you’re someone who prefers an active on-the-go lifestyle. Thankfully, mobility aids such as the KneeRover® can boost your range of motion, while providing great protection and comfort to your injured bones or ligaments. The benefits of knee scooters aren’t confined to just practical use either; if you’re looking to get back into a light exercise routine, yourKneeRover® can be a great workout buddy too.

Before attempting these exercises, check with your doctor, and make sure you’re in a clear unobstructed area.

Hamstring Stretch

Let’s start with a simple warm-up.

Place your hands firmly on the KneeRover® handlebar.

Rest your injured leg on the cushion provided, and make sure it’s at a comfortable height. Place the ball of your standing foot down against the floor, keeping the leg straight.

Now simply lower the heel until you feel a stretch across your hamstring, hold for a few seconds then raise the heel.

Activate Core and Hip Flexors

Retain your stationary position; with your injured leg securely in the KneeRover® cushion, and the ball and toe of your standing foot pressed against the ground.

Now, keeping your standing leg in place, slowly roll the KneeRover® forward keeping a firm grip of the handlebars. Make sure that the knee scooter remains within your control.

Once you can feel a stretch across your hip and core, use the muscles of your abdomen to pull the KneeRover® back to its original position.

Modified Cat and Cow

Yoga practitioners will be familiar with this pose. Before attempting, make sure the brakes on your KneeRover® are secured and locked. 

Start with your injured leg securely in place on the knee scooter cushion. Your standing leg should be placed firmly on the floor.

Lift your standing knee up and into your abdomen, at the same time curl your spine and head downwards to welcome it. Hold for a couple of seconds.

Now stretch your foot and trailing leg outwards until they’re fully extended, and similarly extend your head upwards, pushing your shoulders back and your chest out.

Return to standing position, repeat.